Thursday, February 27, 2014

Snow, snow go away don’t come back another day.

Being able to play outside the past few days and not have to even worry about needing a jacket was AMAZING! No need to bundle up, no need to heat up the car before getting in. Just being able to get in the car and roll the windows down and go. I love it. It means that summer is almost here (my favorite time of the year). But then I get the news today that this weekend we are supposed to be getting snow. Yes, SNOW. Yuck. I could go the next 10 years without seeing snow and be happy. Sure it looks pretty, but that only last for so long because people eventually have to start driving and trudging through it.  It also seems to take forever to melt. I just don’t like it. Sure when I was little I loved getting to sporadic snow day, who didn’t? But now that I am an adult and have a 2 year old daughter of my own when there is even the littlest bit of snow on the ground I hate to get out of the house. Not to mention that snow is dangerous to drive in, and people drive really stupid in it, but it is also really messy. It melts and makes your feet really cold, and makes it a lot easier for mud to get tracked into your house. The only amusement that I seem to get out of snow anymore is seeing one of my cats sneak out of the house and stop within the first 5 seconds because they realize just how cold it actually is. To sum it up, I do not care for snow, and I am very much ready for spring and summer to get here.

Friday, February 21, 2014

What is the world coming to? Why would someone do that? How could someone do that, and to a child?  These sentences have been running through my head like crazy for the past few days. With the recent events that have unfolded it really does make you wonder what the world is coming to. Not a day goes by that you can sit and watch the news and not hear something about a murder, or kidnapping, or both. Every time I hear something like that it just put that much more fear for my child into my head, especially with the latest one. I am not even sure how to put into words my sympathy for Hailey Owens family.  My heart breaks for her family. Ever since I heard what happened it has been all that I can think about. My husband and I can’t seem to get it out of our heads. I didn’t know her or her family, yet it has changed the way I will look at life forever. 

I remember when I was I was 7,8,9 years old and going and spending my summers in Kansas City and me, my sister(2 years older than me), and my cousin (who was my same age), would walk to the park by ourselves, go by riding by ourselves, walk to each other’s house by ourselves.  My grandma would always tell us to call her when we got home and since we were young kids who didn’t know any better we would forget and she would call us in a panic in fear that something had happened to us, but we would never think much of it. Being an adult now, I now know that I will never feel comfortable with my daughter going anywhere or doing anything on her own. I will continue to keep Hailey Owens family in my prayers every night.  R.I.P Hailey Owens.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

As I sit here staring at a blank screen I find my mind wandering off. I can feel the warm sunshine on my shoulders; my toes are sunken into the sand, and the sound of the Caribbean music playing as I watch the waves crashing against the shore line. Mamma, mamma, mamma rings out from the other room. I am suddenly back to the reality of a heater on my shoulders, my toes in my sheep skin slippers and the sound of dance moms playing in the back ground, while my daughter jumps around dancing. Back from my mini mind vacation I realize that I have lots of school work ahead of me. And that it is still in the middle of winter, and any hope of being at a beach still a few months away. But I stay hopeful for the days that it does get a little bit warmer, and we are able to go outside and play, or go to the park and feed the ducks and geese. Those thoughts of the warm spring and summer days and fun times outside are what get me through these cold winter months.  Spring and summer are my favorite times of the year. Being able to be outside and enjoy the warm weather  during the day and at night makes it even that much more great. I would love to be able to live somewhere where it stays warm all year round and you don’t even have to stomp through the freezing cold snow, slip, and sometimes fall on your butt (which seems to happen to me multiple times a year no matter how I prepare).

Sunday, February 9, 2014

 In this class I am very surprised by the wide variety of student and opinions. I think that it is great that everyone is so willing to voice their opinion weather it agrees or disagrees with the other persons. For example the week 4 discussion boards reading response, mainly the responses for Growing Up Barbie, I thought were the most interesting. I very much enjoy reading the discussion board responses and seeing how everyone opinions vary. I do find some of the discussion boards a little difficult to responses to just because I have so much to say and not really sure how to say them. But I guess that is why taking this class is good for me, it is helping me learn how to be a better writer and express my views and opinions more. In taking this class I am hoping that I am not alone in sometimes questioning myself sometimes while writing, although I think that I am getting a little bit better. I always look forward to reading the responses that people have left on my post, and seeing what everyone else thought about the same article that I read. Since this is an online class I think that when people reply to my response it helps it seem more like an actually class than just a bunch of random people reading the same articles and writing about them. I think the further we get into the course the more we are learning about each other. I think the way the audience impacts my writing is the make me want to strive to write more in depth and more clearly.  I very much look forward to further in to this class to learn more about my peers and see more of every ones views and opinions.